Have you ever been in a situation where you hardly ever hear the words thank you? Maybe your friends don’t fully appreciate all you do for them. Your home life is no better, as your spouse and children just expect you to give and give (of course you don’t mind giving), but you rarely get a “Thank You”. Question. Do you give to get something in return, or do you give unconditionally? If you give with strings attached (i.e. expecting something in return), you will always be unhappy with the amount of gratitude you receive. Let’s be real, it will be rare to fully be appreciated for all you do. Try something new. Try giving unconditionally, expecting little in return, just giving from the bottom of your heart, you will have little to be unappreciated about. You have no expectations of getting a "Thank You" in return. Of course, we all want to be appreciated, and we should always be thankful to others, but maybe our goal should be to give with more of an unconditional approach. We will have less disappointment!
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