I feel like no matter what I say it is like talking to a brick wall, it didn’t use to be this way. Should I give up?
Find something that he or she enjoys, has a passion for or is partial too. This will get his/her attention, and you are likely to keep it.
Example: “You know honey, it really is amazing in a good way how much you and King (the pet dog) get along. He’s like your best friend. I guess the saying "A dog is man’s best friend) is true." But sometimes when you call him to come and he doesn’t come, I know how upset that makes you dear...This is how I feel when I try talking to you, and you don’t respond. It's as if I am talking to myself. I realize I may not always choose the best time to talk about certain things, or you might not be interested in what I’m saying, but I feel as you do when King doesn’t respond to your voice.”
Guide On “He Say…She Say” The Art Of Great Communication
What are you doing here?
First you get attention by talking about something he has an interest in and a connection with, which may have nothing at all to do with what you want to talk about. What does a pet dog have to do with how you feel when you are talking to someone, and they do not respond?
Guide On “How To Win The Heart Of A Man”
Second, tell a story or give a short example (it could be their job, their new car, the children, school, a hobby etc.) You are now communicating in their language, and they at least have an understanding of how you feel that now is relatable for them.
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